GEOS - Utilities ARCed files (.ARC) can be uncompacted using ARC250.SDA (DIR 7) or CS-DOS Geos files must be CONVERTed from regular format to GEOS format after downloading using CNVRT25.PRG (DIR 15) before they can be used under Geos. 71bootfx.seq 1024 02-10-92 Fixes the 1571 Maverick BOOT disks so they will properly execute the auto-execs on the disk. Place this file BEFORE Configure. GEOS 64/128 (CC albumc.seq 3072 03-25-91 Allows you to copy photo scraps from one photo album to another, even if it's on a different drive. Supports up to 16K scraps, and runs on Geos 64/128 in 40 col. (CC alptdemo.sda 10240 08-31-92 Allprint 64/128 demo. Prints all geoWrite files on the disk. Full version will batch print geoPub, Write, Paint, Calc, File and Chart. After this file has been converted to GEOS, do not rename it, or else the system will crash when run. Bug is fixed in full version. analog.seq 2944 12-05-88 An analog clock for Geos. (AB animate.arc 21888 01-31-89 Animate photo albums (maximum size is 36K)(AB asciidir.seq 20480 06-06-90 Prints out disk directories in Geos. Prints the disk name, file names, size, date, time, Geos type, structure, and author. Uses printers draft mode to print, and runs in 40 columns only. (CC autoraw.seq 1024 04-17-90 An auto-exec file that automatically plays the first .RAW file on the disk upon bootup. Place this file on your Geos boot disk along with the .RAW file you want to play. (CC autorun.seq 2176 03-28-91 A Geos 64 application that scans the current drive and exceutes ALL auto-execs except CONFIGURE. Used on the BOOT disk after a RBOOT. (CC autorun2.sda 11264 04-21-91 Autorunner V2.0 for Geos64/128. When double-clicked, it executes all the AUTO-EXEC files it can find on the disk. Use after exiting to BASIC to set things back up. (CC backdeb.prg 2048 02-18-91 A patch for geoDebugger 2.0 when used on a C128 so it defaults to the BACKRAM debugger, instead of the SUPER DEBUGGER. DO NOT use on Geos 64. (CC barcoder.arc 34816 02-18-91 A geoBasic program that asks for a 10 digit number and turns it into a barcode. Also calculates the checksum and adds it in. Designed for a Star NX-1000. (CC bigclip.sda 11520 05-06-89 GEOS application to cut LARGE photo-scraps(CC blackout.seq 2048 01-23-91 Blanks your screen after so many minutes (user defined). Works on Geos 64 and 128 in 40 column mode ONLY. (CC blanks.seq 768 12-05-88 Blanks patterns for Pattern Editor. (AB blcko128.sfx 7168 02-25-91 Geos 128 2.0 ONLY. An auto-exec file that blanks the screen after one minute if no keyboard or mouse input. (CC bluepen.seq 6144 09-26-89 Blue Pencil 1.0 will count the total words, total sentences, words per sentence, etc from a geoWrite document. (AB boot128.sfx 9216 03-28-91 An application that will enable 1581 users to make 1581 boot disks for Geos 128 2.0. This program will save the kernal that is currently in memory, so all auto-execs will be there when booted. (CC bricks 768 12-05-88 Patterns for FPATTERN EDITOR. (AB centre80.seq 1152 12-15-89 Centre your 80 column screen in geos 128 (DC chaosdcs.seq 2048 08-31-92 Documention to CHAOSSRC.PRG. chaossrc.seq 6144 08-31-92 Source code to Chaos program that shows how to use the SID's voice 3 to get better random numbers. chessec2.cvt 24576 05-25-93 Chess Secretary 2. Chess database file manager. chessecd.cvt 12288 05-25-93 Docs file for Chess Secretary 2. Geowrite file. chnginpt.prg 2176 10-22-92 Lets you change input devices from within an application. chngprnt.prg 2176 10-22-92 lets you change printers from within an application. chromoph.sfx 13056 07-13-93 ChromoPhobe is a small geoPaint colour alteration tool that allows you to modify colours by search and replace or globally. cnfg21-.seq 23552 04-19-92 Configure V2.1 for Geos 128 for people with more than 512K of REU RAM. REGISTERED GEOS OWNERS ONLY! (CC cnfg21.seq 23552 04-19-92 Configure V2.1 for Geos 64 for people with more than 512K of REU RAM. REGISTERED GEOS OWNERS ONLY! (CC cnvrt25.prg 13312 01-06-90 Used to convert Geos files downloaded from BBSs so they will run on Geos. Load with a ',8' in 64 OR 128 mode using a 1541 or 1571. Will NOT work (for the 1st time) on a 1581! cnvrt2dd.geo 7808 08-01-88 Converts DDfiles (Doodles) to GEOS. cnvrt3-0.seq 3072 12-05-88 CONVERT version 3.0. CNVRT25.PRG is better! conda.prg 2048 03-24-92 Converts 8 bit decimal numbers to and from hexadecimal (0-FFFF). (CC convert.128 2944 08-01-88 Converts Seq. U/L format<-->GEOS format files cope1.sda 27648 07-09-91 Part 1 of 3. An assembler package for GEOS by Bill Sharp. FILES NEEDED: COPE2.SDA COPE3.SDA (CC cope2.sda 24576 07-09-91 Part 2 of 3. FILES NEEDED: COPE1.SDA COPE3.SDA cope3.sda 50176 07-09-91 Part 3 of 3. FILES NEEDED: COPE1.SDA COPE 2.SDA ctrl_tab.arc 4096 01-23-91 Alters geoWrite in memory to use the CONTROL KEY as a TAB key eliminating the need to press C=I for tabs. For Geos 64 2.0 ONLY.(CC dagger.prg 1024 02-25-91 A PREFERENCE file which contains a dagger pointer. (CC dateset 1152 07-24-88 Set the date without loading PREF. MAN. (AB db-edit.seq 8832 12-05-88 A dialog box editor for geoProgrammers. (AB db128rb.sfx 8320 01-23-91 Allows you to REBOOT Geos 128 2.0 after using the Super Debugger in 128 mode. (CC dbget1-1.prg 2048 12-06-90 New release of DBGETFILE 1.1 that solves the problem of the opening dialogue box. This program will alter the kernal in memory so you no longer have to continuously click the mouse/joystick button when scrolling through a list of files when in an application. (CC dbgprnt.sda 36864 03-28-91 Allows printing of the geoDebugger V2.0 screens. Geos 64/128. (CC dbl-dump 6144 07-24-88 Dumps 40 column screens to the printer (AB debug20.sfx 35840 01-24-91 This SFX file contains geoDebugger 2.0 which is Copyright (c) 1987-1991, Berkeley Softworks (geoWorks). For the sole use of registered geoProgrammer owners. GeoDebugger 2.0 runs on GEOS 128. This is a new debugger which doesn't require an REU, and is activated by holding down the space bar while it is loading. For more information, see file GEOPRGIN.ARC (CC debug2p.sfx 11264 02-12-91 A patch for geoDebugger 2.0 that makes it completely invisible! You can now step through the Desktop, geoCalc etc... REU REQUIRED! Works with the geoRAM ALSO! (CC debugup.prg 4096 01-27-91 Updates geoProgrammer 1.0 to work on a 128 version only. Makes geoDebugger 1.0 totally transparent, so it is possible to step through the Desktop etc... CAREFUL! BETA VERSION! (CC debugupd.prg 7168 01-27-91 Docs to DEBUGUP.PRG (CC default.seq 2048 07-17-90 DEFAULT.DBM is a MACRO file for geoProgrammer when used on the C128. It adds a new command to geoDebugger, DIS0, which will dissasseble BANK 0, instead of BANK 1. (CC delhfp.seq 2048 01-20-92 Delete the header, footer, or any range of pages from a geoWrite document. Use on a BACKUP only, and use with caution. (CC delhfpd.seq 4096 01-20-92 Docs to DELHFP.SEQ. demnwtls.cvt 29568 11-14-95 demo of Newtools for geos, that lets you use more tools in geopaint. use convert 2.5 to change to geos format. Uploaded by: Commodore Chairman deskorg 1792 08-06-88 DESK ORGANIZER. Desk utl Insert/Del pages digitize 4480 07-24-88 A ComputerEyes driver for GEOS (AB dirdoc.prg 4096 03-28-90 The docs to Dirmanager (DIRMAN.PRG). (CC dirlabel.sfx 8192 02-18-91 Sends a three column disk directory to the printer. (CC dirman.prg 7168 03-28-90 Dirmanager is a Geos program for the 1541/71/81 that lets you sort the disk etc... use CONVERT 2.5. (CC dirmst.prg 5120 09-16-92 Directory management application. Supports 4 devices and up to 480 files. Allows you to sort etc. 1541/81 & CMD RamDrive's 41/81/native mode partitions supported. dirmstdc.prg 5120 09-16-92 Docs to DIRMST.PRG disass2.seq 20480 02-25-91 Version TWO of a Geos disassembler. This version will disassemble all inline routines. Will now disassemble a file of ANY size, and also regular 64 files. Output is in geoWrite format. (CC disbam2.seq 2048 01-23-91 Prints the BAM of any drive on the screen. 40 columns only. (CC disbam2d.seq 2048 01-23-91 Docs to DISBAM2.SEQ (CC downgrad 1536 07-24-88 Downgrade 2.1 to 1.3 etc.. (geoWrite) (AB dskedit 1792 07-24-88 A disk organizer. Add/delete pages etc... (AB dualt26.sfx 24576 01-20-92 DualtopV2.6 for GEOS128 is an alternative to the Desktop. Full 3 drive support with RAMDisk priority, displays 2 different disks on the screen at once, proportional slider for moving through files, fuel guages for showing disk space etc, fast file copying, multiple file select. IDENTICAL TO DUALT27.SFX except if allows you to exit back to the Desktop OR Gateway. (CC dualt27.sfx 23680 01-20-92 DualtopV2.7 for GEOS128 is an alternative to the Desktop. Full 3 drive support with RAMDisk priority, displays 2 different disks on the scren at once, proportional slider for moving through files, fuel gauges for showing disk space etc, fast file copying, multiple file select. IDENTICAL TO DUALT26.SDA except it DOESN'T work right with GATEWAY. (CC dualtp25.sda 28672 07-21-91 DualtopV2.5 for GEOS64 is an alternative to the Desktop. Full 3 drive support with RAMDisk priority, 2 windows for displaying files (2 differenct disks), proportional slider for moving through files, fuel guages for showing disk space etc, fast file copying, multiple file select, new keyboard commands. New features: KBytes free and used are now displayed at the bottom of each window, scrolling routines have been re- written, and are now about 8 times faster, now supports sorting, and is around 300% faster than Dualtop128V2.0's, now supports C= BASIC files. (CC dualtp26.prg 19200 11-21-91 DUALTOP 64 V2.6. This version of Dualtop has better compatability with Gateway64, along with some new keyboard shortcuts such as: SPACE BAR: swap source and destination windows, 'P': load a preference file from the source window, 'A': will open drive A to the dource window, 'B' and 'C' the same thing. Boot up in Gateway64, and have a copy of the Desktop on the disk. (CC dump 6144 07-24-88 Dump contents of screen to printer (AB easyalrm.prg 2048 08-31-92 DA that lets you quickly set the alarm to go off 5,10,15,30,45,60,90 or 120 minutes from the current time. Geos 64 enter128.prg 1024 02-25-91 Makes the ENTER key on Geos 128 into a RETURN key. (CC erase128.prg 2048 12-12-91 Allows you to change a 1541/71/81 disk to a master or normal disk (doesn't mean you can boot from the disk, you cannot erase files from the Desktop etc), or erase the Geos header that sometimes gets corrupt. If you can't open a disk on the Desktop, try running this program on Geos 128. Written by Alex Burger. (CC erase64.prg 2048 12-12-91 Allows you to change a 1541/71/81 disk to a master or normal disk (doesn't mean you can boot from the disk, you cannot erase files from the Desktop etc), or erase the Geos header that sometimes gets corrupt. If you can't open a disk on the Desktop, try running this program on Geos 64. Written by Alex Burger. (CC fancystr.prg 4096 08-31-92 An autoexec that displays a title screen while booting, just like Windows. 40 columns 64/128 only. faxdemo.sfx 14336 01-01-95 A demonstration program of the new GeoFax program authored by Maurice Randall. Lets a 64 or 128 with swiftlink and Faxmodem send and receive faxes. Load and run to dissolve, then use convert 2.5 to change to geos format. Uploaded by: Jim Dearden fdump3.sfx 10368 06-20-90 Font Dump V3 will make a hardcopy of your fonts. Option to print out font ID, allows you to print out variable point sizes, and supports BATCH printouts. (CC filedial.seq 23552 07-09-91 A geoWrite 2.1 geoProgrammer source file which will allow generic access to a file handling dialog box. Also allos access to three drives and an extended file list window. (CC filpat34.seq 1024 05-11-91 A Desk Accessory that changes fill pattern #31 and 32 to the 'hidden' fill patterns 33 & 34. (CC findf15.seq 3072 12-24-91 Findfile V1.5 fixes a bug in earlier versions. Allows you to search a disk for a file using wildcards. (CC findfild.seq 6144 08-03-91 Docs to FINDFILE.SEQ findfile.seq 3072 08-03-91 A DA that lets you search for a file on any disk in and drive using wildcards. (CC fix80.seq 1024 09-27-89 Centers the 80 columns screen on Geos 128.(AB flashalr.prg 1024 08-31-92 Autoexec that replaces Geos's bell alarm with a special border flash alarm. 64 GEOS only. fnt128.prg 5248 07-13-93 An 80 column Desk Accessory that allows you to change the position of the fonts on the disk for better selection while using geoWrite etc. Does NOT work in geoPublish! GEOS 128 (AB fntdmp3.seq 6272 03-11-93 Font Dump III. Dumps fonts to the printer. GEOS (AB fontd2.sfx 9216 09-30-90 Font Dump V2 lets you select multiply files for printing out fonts. (CC fontvf.sda 7168 11-07-91 Patches Fontview from the RUN GEOS Power Pak to handle all fonts. (CC fontview.cvt 4096 05-12-94 Geos standalone program that lets you view fonts that are on disk. Geos. fourlns.prg 4096 10-14-90 An application that displays boxes on the screen at random in a pattern. (CC fpat-doc.seq 3968 12-05-88 Instructions for FPATTERN.SEQ. (AB fpattern.seq 4352 12-05-88 A FILL PATTERN editor. (AB g128sym.prg 5120 08-31-92 A collection of geoProgrammer 128 symbol definitions from TRansacter and other sources. Erase page 2 to assemble. gbptch11.prg 2176 01-27-91 Upgrade geoBASIC 1.0 to 1.1 (CC gdeb280.seq 3072 03-28-91 Enables full 80 column debugging in geoDebugger 2.0. 64K VDC required. (CC geo128bt.prg 5760 10-02-90 Create 1581 boot disks for Geos 128. Use Convert 2.5 on this file, then doubleclick on the icon, and follow instructions. (MC geo64bt.prg 5888 10-02-90 Create 1581 boot disks for Geos 64. Use Convert 2.5 on this file, then doubleclick on the icon, and follow instructions. :) (MC geobox.prg 4096 10-14-90 An application that displays lines on the screen at random in a pattern. (CC geocan3.seq 33792 01-20-92 The NEWEST geoCanvas demo program. Requires Geos 2.0 64/128 and an REU! geoCanvas is a new 40 column painting program that will over power geoPaint. See GEOCAN3D.SEQ for intructions. (CC geocan3d.seq 5120 01-20-92 Documentation for GEOCAN3.SEQ (CC geochord.prg 7296 02-02-92 Transposes between keys and makes simple chord structures. (CC geochore.prg 4096 02-02-92 Docs to GEOCHORD.PRG. geocope1.sfx 43008 06-22-90 GeoCOPE is an assembler/editor package for GEOS in 40 col mode. This was once a commercial package, but is now shareware. Docs and some source code included. Part 1 of 2 (CC geocope2.sfx 24576 06-22-90 GeoCope assembler/editor Part 2 of 2 geodiard.prg 9216 02-18-91 Documentation for GEODIARY.PRG (CC geodiary.prg 11264 02-18-91 geoDiary is an auto-exec file that boots up when you load Geos. Stores text in geoWrite format. Place after Configure. Geos 64/128 (40 col). (CC geodump.seq 6272 07-03-91 Dumps any file to the screen or printer as HEX. Works on Geos64/128-40/80. (CC geoedit.seq 8192 09-27-89 A Geos disk sector editor. Geos 64, and 128 (40 and 80 columns). (AB geoexpor.prg 2176 02-18-91 A BASIC program that converts geoWrite documents to plain text files. (CC geogif.sfx 12288 10-08-90 A Geos application that converts *.GIF files to geoPaint. Only supports 320 X 200. (CC geogif12.sfx 12288 01-20-91 GeoGif V1.2 will convert non-interlaced .GIF graphic files to geoPaint. Will now allow you to convert files larger than 640 wide.(CC geogifp.seq 2048 09-30-90 A patch for GEOGIf.SFX to allow viewing of 2 colour gifs. (CC geoglb2.prg 10240 10-14-90 Part 2 of GEOGLOBE.PRG (CC geoglb3.prg 9216 10-14-90 Part 3 of GEOGLOBE.PRG (CC geoglobe.prg 13312 10-14-90 A Geos global time and distance calculator. Files needed: GEOGLB2.PRG and GEOGLB3.PRG(CC geohac16.prg 12288 10-14-90 GeoHacker V1.6 is a C64 BASIC program that allows you to erase the copy protection from many Geos programs. For backup use only! (CC geolist2.seq 5120 10-17-89 Version 2.1 of geoList. Allows you to print out a directory listing of a Geos disk including file type, author etc... (CC geolog.seq 10240 07-03-91 A GEOS128 80 column only disk cataloging program that supports approximately 700 files entries and 200 disks. Note: doesn't work with geoWizzard. (CC geologgr.cvt 10240 03-19-95 Geologger is an 80 col Geos disk cataloging program. Use Convert 2.5 to convert to Geos format. Uploaded by: Commodore Chairman geolynx.sda 16896 01-19-92 Lynx type utility for Geos. Haven't had a chance to try it out yet. (JD geomacv.seq 4224 09-27-89 Lets you view an ENTIRE mac picture on the screen at once using Geos 128. Note: You MUST have the 64K VDC upgrade (or a C128D)(AB geomiser.seq 3072 01-23-91 Removes unused escape strings from geoWrite 2.0 or 2.1 files. Doesn't affect any fonts, styles, formats, or graphic images. Seems to work fine on Geos 128 2.0. (CC geomon.seq 5120 07-09-91 A GEOS ML monitor. (CC geomorph.sfx 21504 12-20-94 A geos demo of a program that lets you "morph" an animation between 2 pictures. Load and run to dissolve, and use convert 2.5 to convert to Geos format Uploaded by: Commodore Chairman geopcx.sfx 11264 06-22-91 Converts geoPaint files into IBM PCX format so you can import them to geoDraw. Full colour & B/W support. (CC geoprgin.arc 64512 01-24-91 This file contains information on geoProgrammer 2.0. These files contain documents right from BSW about geoProgrammer 2.0 - the history/revision list, new features, known/fixed bug list etc... This is a LARGE file when unARCed. 466 blocks long, and is in PETSCII, NOT Geos. (CC geoprog2.seq 4096 06-06-90 Version 2 of the geoProgrammer patch for Geos 128 users. This patch patches geoAssembler, and geoLinker to work in 40/80 column mode, and geoDebugger to work in 40 column mode on Geos 128. (CC geoprogp.seq 3072 03-28-90 A patch for geoProgrammer's geoAssembler, and geoLinker that makes it more usable on Geos 128 by fixing the Dialogue boxes to make use of the DOUBLE command. (CC geoshell.sfx 27392 07-13-93 A DEMO version of GeoShell, a new command line interface (CLI) for Geos 2.0. Works on both the C64 and C128 40/80 column screen. C64/128 GEOS (AB geotab 6912 07-24-88 Use the back arrow key for tab (GEOS 64!) (AB geotools.sfx 11264 05-12-90 Collection of tools for Geos (DJ geovax.sfx 8192 02-21-93 A Geos program and font that lets you import text files from mainframes such as a Vax. Translates and keeps the format codes. (tab, etc.) Load and run to dissolve, then use Convert 2.5 (CC geoview 2944 07-24-88 View geoPaint graphics WITHOUT geoPaint (AB getgrphc.prg 5120 10-22-92 converts printshop graphics to geos photo album. use convert 2.5 GEOS getitwrt.arc 9216 11-07-90 Tells you what geoWrite files are needed for a geoPublish document. (CC goedxpch.cvt 2048 05-25-93 patches Geodex to handle different files. Use convert 2.5 (CC graphlbl.prg 6144 10-22-92 Label printing program. Lets you use graphics with the labels. Use convert 2.5 to change to GEOS format. grav1_1.seq 6144 04-17-90 Graphicview V1.1 is an 80 column only program for Geos 128 that displays geoPaint, doodle, and bitmap graphics on the screen. Requires 64K VDC. (CC gstorm-d.seq 4992 12-05-88 GSTORM.SEQ's documentation. (AB gstorm.seq 8576 12-05-88 Converts PrintMaster/Shop/Newsroom to Geos(AB headedit.seq 8192 03-25-91 A 40 col Geos64/128 program that allows you to alter the header of a Geos file including the filetype, author, date etc. (CC hexcalc.seq 4096 09-30-90 A hex calculator for Geos. Desk Acces. (CC hs2geo.sfx 10240 01-27-91 A Handyscanner/PageFox to geoPaint converter. 40/80 columns. (CC hulmevw.prg 6144 10-22-92 Hulmeview 1.0 lets you view CBM sequence files from within GEOS. use convert 2.5 to change to geos format icondir.seq 23552 06-06-90 Prints out disk directories in Geos. Prints out the icon, size, permanent name, author, date, T & S of info block, and PRG start. Runs in 40 columns only, and supports the REU, 1541/71/81. (CC iconedit 5248 07-24-88 An ICON editor (AB iconedit.seq 9984 12-05-88 An excellent icon editor. (AB iconget.seq 1024 03-28-90 Grabs the icon from a file, and stores it into a photoscrap. Good for the .HDR file for programming under Geos. (CC icongrab.prg 6144 10-22-92 desk accessory lets you grab icons, move around. use convert 2.5 GEOS infobox.seq 2048 03-25-91 Gives info such as Geos disk names in drive(s) A and/or B, blocks free on disks, and name of currently selected printer driver. Geos 64/128 40 col. (CC infovw2.prg 6272 02-22-92 A Desk Accessory for viewing and editing file INFO boxes while inside another application. Lists ALL files on the disk, supports 3 drives, and has a search function. (CC infovw2d.prg 3072 02-22-92 Documentation to INFOVW2.PRG joyport2 896 08-01-88 JOYSTICK.PORT 2. GEOS joystick driver port 2. keyfer.sfx 30848 02-22-93 Text files and diagrams etc. on interfacing an IBM keyboard to the C64. Load and run to dissolve. Docs and schematic are in Geos format, and need to be converted with Convert 2.5 (CC keygrab.sda 5120 02-25-91 Creates an auto-exec file for use with KEYMAKE.SDA. (CC keym21.seq 13440 11-07-91 Keymaker V2.1 fixes a bug for C128 users. Allows you to redefine most of the keys on the C64 or C128 keyboard including function keys. You can make the ENTER key acts like a RETURN key, change the left arrow key to a TAB key etc... (CC keymake.sda 20608 02-25-91 Geos 64 2.0 ONLY. A Desk Accessory that allows you to redefine almost any key on the keyboard including function keys. (CC keymake2.seq 12288 04-21-91 A C128 40 column application which allows you to redefine most of the keyboard keys including function keys. (CC keysw.seq 2048 11-07-91 A Desk Accessory that allows you to load KeyMaker data files while in another application. (CC krnlprnt.sda 28672 02-18-91 Requires a REU (17xx or geoRAM). Prints the Geos Kernal (any section) to the printer. A new set of symbols is included for the Kernal. (CC labeler.prg 7168 10-22-92 label program, labels with graphics. use convert 2.5 GEOS labeler.seq 4096 02-02-90 Create mailing labels with Geos. (CC lmedit.sfx 16384 03-18-91 The LaserMatrix printer driver editor that allows you to make enhanced printer drivers which makes near laser printing quality with Geos. (CC lockun.seq 2048 03-28-90 Lock Unlock allows you to lock or unlock an entire disk in Geos (CC login2.seq 4096 01-23-91 New login program. Adds a password to your Geos boot disk. Geos 64 2.0. See file LOGIN2DC.SEQ for docs. (CC login2dc.seq 4096 01-23-91 Docs to LOGIN2.SEQ (CC ma2.sfx 15360 06-20-90 MacAttack V1.2. Converts MacPaint pics to geoPaint, and geoPaint pics to MacPaint. NEW: Batch conversions. (CC macatt2.arc 13312 09-04-89 Works on Geos 64, Geos 128 40 AND 80 columns. Lets you convert MacPaint pictures to geoPaint, PLUS geoPaint pictures TO MacPaint (a two way conversion). (AB macattak 4736 07-24-88 Converts .MAC files to geoPaint format (AB macgeo 12416 02-17-90 macgeopaint-thats all you need to know (CR macros2.seq 2048 05-11-91 Four new macros for geoProgrammer. IncW - increment a word DecW - decrement a word SubVW - Subtract value from word SubVB - Subtract value from byte (CC macview.c64 3072 07-24-88 View .MAC files on the C64 high res screen(AB marboot.sda 7168 08-31-92 An improved RBOOT 64 for those with Turbo Master. menufix.prg 1024 02-18-91 Allows Geos 128 1.4 or 2.0 to create menus that use the entire 640 pixels in 80 column mode. This patch is 4 bytes long, and is poked into the Geos Kernal at $fA76 in V2.0, ;dd $FA79 in V1.4. The code is $D0,07,EA,EA. milit_dc.prg 3072 01-23-91 A Military personal dictionary for geoSpell. mirror.sfx 10368 07-17-90 A quick program by Red Storm that flips a geoPaint picture horizontally. I suggest using a scratch disk (one that you don't care about) while using this program, as it was a quick, four hour job. There could be bugs. mlabel25.sfx 14336 10-22-92 labeling program, lets you define different formats. load and run to dissolve, then use convert 2.5 to change to geos format. GEOS mlabelv2.prg 16512 04-25-90 A Geos labeling program. Allows you to make multiple labels from 1" to 16.5" spacing. Does NOT support Laser Fonts (yet). (CC mouseic.seq 1024 08-31-92 A Preference file that has a mouse icon that resembles the MAC's. mouser.prg 6144 04-11-92 A DA that lets you change the velocity and acceleration of the mouse within an applications. A bit flakey with Gateway. (CC mouserd.prg 4096 04-11-92 Docs to MOUSER.SEQ (CC move80c.prg 4096 07-17-90 A program for Geos 128 that lets you move the 80 column screen up, down, left, and right. When you've selected where you want it, it will save an auto-exec file onto the disk. Place this file on your boot disk. (CC natesmac.seq 4096 08-31-92 Macros that the author of GeoCanvas uses. newtl80.seq 5120 12-06-90 80 column version of NEWTOOLS for Geos 128. Adds extra commands to geoPaint such as rotate 45 degrees. (CC newtldoc.cvt 6912 11-14-95 Document files for newtools. use convert 2.5 to change to Geos format. Uploaded by: Commodore Chairman newtools.sfx 25600 10-27-90 A Desk Accessory for geoPaint that adds amy many new features such as rotating 45 degrees, skewing, tilting etc... A must for geoPaint users. GeoPaint demo, main program, and documentation included. Geos64/128 400 column only. (CC note2alb 12160 08-06-88 NOTES2ALBUM. Convert notes to Album fmt. noteprnt.prg 5120 10-22-92 prints text scraps. use convert 2.5 GEOS o'clock 1152 07-24-88 Set the date without loading PREF. MAN. (AB paint-s.seq 4096 10-08-89 Takes an entire geoPaint picture, and puts it into a photo scrap, which can be pasted into geoPublish. (AB paintc.seq 2176 04-11-92 Changes a geoPaint picture file header so when you double click it, it loads up geoCanvas instead of geoPaint. See PAINTCD.SEQ for docs. paintcd.seq 2048 04-11-92 Docs to PAINTC.SEQ (CC paintsc.seq 4096 11-28-89 Lets you convert full page (up to 28K in length) geoPaint documents into a photo scrap for pasting into geoPublish. (CC paintvw.prg 4096 10-22-92 views geopaint files without running Geopaint. use convert 2.5 paterned 38912 08-01-88 Edit patterns for GEOS. patrnset.geo 768 08-01-88 Pattern set for GEOS. Get PATERNED too. patterns.seq 20480 04-21-91 A geoPaint picture of all 34 patterns available in Geos. Explains how to access the last two patterns which aren't usually accessible. Mainly for programmers. (CC pattview.prg 7168 08-25-92 Displays the 34 system patterns on the screen and allows you to change the foreground and background colours to show the various combinations. 40/80 columns 64/128. persn_dc.prg 7168 01-23-91 A Personal dictionary of some common words geoDictionary doesn't have. (CC photmovr.prg 8192 10-22-92 Photomove 1.0 moves photo scraps between seperate photo albums. use covert 2.5 GEOS photo-p 3456 07-24-88 Lets you print photo albums side-by-side (AB photogrb.seq 3072 03-25-91 A better 'photo manager' with a larger viewing area, and supports up to 16K scraps, and works with TWO disk drives. (CC picshow.seq 9216 09-27-89 A Geos application that will slide show GG, JJ, and other graphic pictures. (AB picshow3.seq 9344 10-04-89 Version 3.3 of PICHSHOW. Allows you to display a variety of high res pictures in Geos (GG, JJ etc), and convert them to geoPaint. (AB pntinfo.seq 5120 11-28-89 Info on Paint-Scrap (PAINTSC.SEQ). (CC pntr128.lbr 8320 02-18-91 Changes the Geos 128 80 column pointer. Includes geoProgrammer source code and runnable file (auto-exec). (CC presto.prg 2048 09-16-92 Converts files from auto-exec to application and vice versa. This should only be used to prevent programs from auto-executing upon bootup. For example, if you have Dualtop on your boot disk, but don't want to it autoboot. Use this program to make it an application. GEOS printer.chn 2176 07-24-88 Change printer while in an appl. (AB printit.seq 1024 01-22-90 Geos desk acc. print any screen. convert 2.5 prntdmo.sda 31744 11-29-90 PrintDemo is a demo of GeoPrint by Roger Lu. GeoPrint is a card and banner-making program for Geos 64/128. (CC prntmate.seq 2048 09-26-89 Printmate will allow you to change the current printer driver while in a Geos application. (AB prntpage.prg 18432 02-18-91 Prints each PAGE xy file that was generated by PAINT PAGES. (CC pspm2geo 3712 08-06-88 PSPM TO GEOS.Printshp&Printmastr--Geos. PRG psptch2.seq 5120 07-17-90 A patch for geoLaser, and geoPubLaser that makes it redirect the output to a disk file for dumping to the Laser Printer. Just take dhe file, and dump it DIRECTLY (NO conversion needed) to a PostScript Laserprinter. (CC psptch2d.seq 4096 07-17-90 The documentations for PSPTCH2.SEQ (CC pubup.prg 2048 01-20-92 Patches a bug in the early one-disk version of geoPublish that caused the computer to crash when a file was opened without the proper geoWrite files on the disk. qpikstsh.arc 8192 12-10-90 Contains three files: QWIKPIK, QWIKSTASH, and PIK/SHASHDOCS. Place QwikStash on your boot disk, and Geos will automatically copy the selected files (defined with QwikPik) to the REU, and swap the drives around (optional). Works on Geos 64/128 using original, or parameter copy of Geos. Will NOT work with a GEOBOOT copy by Maverick. (CC qwktp128.seq 8192 11-07-89 Qwiktop 128 is a alternative to the desktop. it allows more than eight file names on the screen at once, & supports any drive. (CC raw1_1.seq 2048 04-17-90 A small Geos application that plays RAW files. Needs RAW2GEOS (RAW2GEO.SEQ). (CC rawtogeo.seq 3072 04-17-90 Converts regular RAW files into Geos RAW files (adds an icon etc...). Needed by RAW1_1.SEQ and AUTORAW.SEQ. (CC reconcle.prg 10368 11-29-90 A geoCalc template file that can help you reconcile your checkbook to your bank statement. (CC rescu64d.prg 4096 12-06-90 Documentation for RESCUE64.SEQ (CC rescue.arc 5120 10-14-90 Saves your Geos 128 RAMDISK when your system crashes, and you can't get back into Geos.(CC rescue64.seq 2048 12-06-90 Rescues Geos 64 from deadly crashes where you cannot RBOOT back to the Desktop. Requires a reset button. Needs: RESCU64D.PRG. (CC revert-a 3584 12-05-88 ALBUM REVERTER. Changes albums from 2.0-1 (AB rolodex.arc 38912 07-21-91 A self running geoBasic application that can be found on the geoBasic disk sold by RUN. RUN magazine reserves the rights to this program. Keeps names and numbers on an electronic rolodex that can be saved and printed. (CC ruler.seq 5120 12-29-89 A DESK ACCESSORY which allows you to measure things on the screen in pixels and in inches (same type of option like in geoPaint). Works with anything that allows Desk Accessories (Desktop, geoPaint, geoWrite etc.) (CC ruler1.6 5120 09-30-90 Lets you meausure in pixels, inches, and centimeters. A DA for Geos (CC rulerinf.seq 1024 09-30-90 Info on RULER1.6 (CC scpeek35.prg 7168 06-21-90 Update of ScrapPeek program supports 40/80 columns. View GEOS photo scraps, albums scpitdoc.sda 44032 06-23-90 DOCS (geoWrite file) for SCRAPIT! Part 2 of 2 (JDM (This is the right one!) scrap 2688 09-17-88 View photo scraps and albums scrapeek.prg 7168 10-22-92 lets you look at photo albums. use convert 2.5 GEOS 64/128 40/80 columns scrapeek.seq 2688 12-05-88 View photo scraps/albums. (AB scrapgrb.seq 3072 03-25-91 A better 'photo manager' with a larger viewing area, and supports up to 8K scraps, and works with TWO disk drives. The viewing area is SMALLER than PHOTOGRB.SEQ (CC scrapit!.sda 29696 06-23-90 SCRAPIT! is an impressive GEOS conversion program. Convert to/from photo scraps, geopaints, doodles, koalas etc. Runs in 40/80 columns. Colour mode in 80 col needs 64k VDC. Part 1 of 2 - Get the DOC file too! (JM screenph 2048 04-16-90 An application that captures the current screen and places it into a photo scrap. Use CONVERT 2.5. (CC scribble.seq 6144 01-23-91 A miniature Geos 64/128 (40 col) drawing program. See SCRIB_DC.SEQ for docs. (CC scrib_dc.seq 4096 01-23-91 Docs to SCRIBBLE.SEQ (CC selectp.seq 3072 12-06-90 A Desk Accessory that allows you to change the printer driver while in an application. This program patches the REU copy (if you are using one) of the kernal so when you use the RBOOT program, the new driver will still be there. Works on Geos 64 & 128 (40/80), and is compatable with geoWizard. (CC seq-view 5632 12-05-88 View SEQ files under Geos. (AB seqtext 15488 07-24-88 Converts SEQ file to TEXT SCRAPS (AB setmode.seq 4096 02-02-90 Changes the status of an application so it can be run in 80 columns (ONLY changes the status, they screen may look funny, or it may not work). Five different selections... (CC smartwat 1152 12-15-89 Use the smartwatch clock calendar chip and it updates the geos clock calendar [geos application] download as a seq file smartwatch.seq (DC speed2ge 7808 08-06-88 SPEED-GEOS. Convert Speedscript-->GEOS. spellc.arc 33792 05-29-92 A spell checking program with a small dictionary and instructions. The dictionary is in geoWrite format adding a text dictionary is easy. (CC stormdem.seq 12416 01-22-90 GEOS Util demo storm systems. convert 2.5 testdbg.seq 6144 08-31-92 Contains all the symbols for geoDebugger to display the GEOS kernal. textprnt.sda 30720 01-23-91 Lets you use your printers built in fonts/styles with geoWrite files. This is version 2.5. (CC threader 1280 07-24-88 A single step simulator. (AB tmpatch.prg 1024 05-11-91 A modified TurboMaster patch that works with BeckBasic, geoBasic, and geoTerm with the TurboMaster in 4mhz. Geos 64. (CC toolkit.seq 10624 07-04-93 A geoWrite text editor. (AB trnstxt.sfx 8192 10-22-92 converts prg/seq/usr text files into Geowrite format. load and run to dissolve, then use convert 2.5 on the files to change to GEOS format trojank.seq 2048 08-03-91 Removes the Trojan Horse from Desktop 2.0 for the C64/128. Now, files won't get deleted when you move files around on the Desktop when using a backup copy of Geos. Has been apprived by geoWorks. (CC tunerv21.prg 5120 09-18-91 Guitar tuner. (CC unlock.seq 2048 09-27-89 Unlock all the files on a disk for Geos. (AB unpublsh.seq 4096 01-23-91 Converts geoPublish text files back to geoWrite 2.0 or 2.1. Note: the geoWrite file will have slightly different formatting due to geoPublish's editor. Written for Geos 64 2.0, but should work on Geos 128 2.0. (CC untrash 1408 08-06-88 UNTRASH. Recover erased GEOS files. untrash3.prg 5120 05-21-90 Lets you recover scratched files in Geos. Version 3.0 (CC wavedemo.sfx 32256 12-22-95 Demo of "The Wave", an 80 column terminal program for Geos! Requires a swiftlink cartridge. Uploaded by: Commodore Chairman wormdesk 10240 10-22-92 desktop replacement for GEOS 64. use convert2.5 wormdsk5.seq 11264 11-29-90 WormDesk 5.0 for Geos 64 is an alternative to the Desktop. Place after CONFIGURE. (CC writtool.prg 11264 10-22-92 program that lets you alter geowrite files (fonts, etc) from outside Geowrite. GEOS use convert 2.5 wrongwr7.seq 11264 04-17-90 Wrong is Write V7.0 converts regualar ASCII or PETSCII files to geoWrite, and back again. Also converts geoWrite 2.1 files to 1.0, 1.1 etc... (CC wrtemenu.seq 3072 07-17-90 Write Menu is a DESK ACCESSORY for Geos 64, and geoWrite 2.1 that makes it so the pointer won't come off of the drop down menus. Run after geoWrite is loaded by going to the GEOS menu. (CC wrtview 2432 07-24-88 View geoWrite documents WITHOUT geoWrite (AB zfixer.seq 3072 07-21-91 An auto-exec file for Geos 64. Place this file on your boot disk, and it will fix the letter 'z'. The letter 'z' has an extra row of blank pixels on the right side, which gives is a strange appearance. (CC