GEOS - Games

 ARCed files (.ARC) can be uncompacted using ARC250.SDA (DIR 7), or CS-DOS

 Geos files must be CONVERTed from regular format to GEOS format after
 downloading using CNVRT25.PRG (DIR 15) before they can be used under Geos.

capt5-1.sfx     45056  05-25-93  Captain Geos episode #5.  Full-colour comic
                                 strip.  A glactic GEOS 64/128 adventure.
                                 File 1 of 2
capt5-2.sfx     22528  05-25-93  File 2 of 2 for CAPT5-1.SFX
capt6-1.sfx     43008  05-27-93  Captain Geos episode #6.  Full-colour comic
                                 strip.  A galactic GEOS 64/128 adventure.
                                 Files 1 of 2
capt6-2.sfx     23552  05-27-93  File 2 of 2 for CAPT6-1.SFX
                                 Uploaded by: Alex Burger
captain.arc     85120  07-21-91  A self-running geoBasic program.  A slide
                                 show.  A parody soap opera set in space.  40
                                 columns only.                             (CC
chutes.arc      32768  07-21-91  A self running geoBasic application that can
                                 be found on the geoBasic disk sold by RUN.
                                 RUN magazine reserves the rights to this
                                 program.  You are a laser gunner on the
                                 ground and you must blow up as many enemy
                                 aircraft as possible without letting a para-
                                 chuter reach the ground.                  (CC
circe.arc         724  08-06-88  GEOS game                                 PRG
desktop.arc     41984  07-21-91  A self-running geoBasic program that looks
                                 like the Desktop, but when you click an icon,
                                 you'll get a surprise!                    (CC
drawpok.seq     38912  11-07-89  Play a game of drawpoker using Geos!      (CC
drawpokd.seq     1920  05-12-93  Documentation to DRWPOK.SEQ - Draw Poker.
drwpok.seq      38784  05-12-93  Draw poker game
geocomix.arc    79872  06-06-90  A choose your own adventure type game for
                                 Geos.  Runs in 40 columns only, and includes
                                 "The Orb" story.                          (CC
geogames.sda    23552  08-31-92  Demo version of 3 new Geos games.
geomimic.seq     6144  06-06-90  A 40 column only desk accessory game of
                                 Repeat-The-Sequence.  An extremely good game.
geonim.seq       4096  07-17-90  Play the old game of NIM on Geos.         (CC
geopoker.arc     4864  08-06-88  GEO POKER.ARC. Geos game.                 PRG
geoslots.prg    14336  08-25-92  64/128 40/80 column slot machine game.
geotac2.seq      6144  03-28-90  Version 2 of GEOS TIC TAC TOE.  This version
                                 allows you to choose who goes first.      (CC
geowar          33792  12-05-88  Another war game for Geos.                 AB
geowar-d.seq    18816  12-05-88  The instructions for geoWar.               AB
geowords.prg    28672  05-21-90  A Geos game.  Shows random letters on the
                                 screen, and you have to make as many words
                                 out of them as possible...                (CC
gwins.prg       19456  05-21-90  GeoWinds is a Geos game.  Use CONVERT 2.5.(CC
lotto.seq         128  01-27-91  A geoBASIC lotto picker.                  (CC
mahjonga.sda    31744  01-20-92  The game Mahjong.  40 columns only.
parallax.sfx    14848  07-13-93  A game where you must deduce the location of
                                 hidden pegs.  Played on a rectangular grid.
                                 GEOS game!
poker1.sda      31744  03-28-90  Poker-V1.1.SDA is a full colour poker game
                                 for Geos 64/128 (40 col).                 (CC
puzzle           1280  08-06-88  GEOPUZZLE!. For GEOS. Don't convert.      PRG
skeet            3712  07-24-88  A Skeet shooting game.                     AB
sneakysn.prg     5120  07-17-90  SNEAKY SNAKE.  A game for Geos.  Manouver the
                                 snake through the maze, and eat as many bugs
                                 as possible.  Each time you eat one, you get
                                 longer.  You cannot run into your tale, and
                                 must eat ALL the bugs on the screen.      (CC
states.seq       4992  12-05-88  STATESNCAPS.  A game from the US.         (AB
tactoe.seq       5120  02-02-90  Play TIC TAC TOE against Geos.            (CC
ttt-3d.prg      13312  11-29-90  Three Dimensional Tic Tac Toe!            (CC
ttt3d1_1.seq    14336  01-23-91  Tic Tac Toe 3D V1.1.  Has three skill levels.
us-docs.seq     12288  12-05-88  Documentation for US.SEQ                   AB
us.seq           7936  12-05-88  A mini animation program.                  AB
wordfile.prg    16384  05-21-90  Part of GEOWORDS.PRG.                     (CC
yatz.arc        34816  07-21-91  A self running geoBasic application that can
                                 be found on the geoBasic disk sold by RUN.
                                 RUN magazine reserves the rights to this
                                 program.  A YATZEE game for Geos64/128 40
                                 column screen.                            (CC