C64/C128 - CPowerC - Special thanks to Ben Pedersen for uploading all the files from the old CPower support BBS! ARCed files (.ARC) can be uncompacted using ARC250.SDA (DIR 7) or CS-DOS LYNXed files (.LNX) can be extracted using LYNX15. (DIR 7) asc2pet.c 4366 03-27-90 Translate ASCII to CBM PETSCII (BP ascipr.seq 3200 06-19-91 PRINT.C for CPower128 will print files to assm-doc.arc 11684 03-26-90 Primer on 65xx chip assembler programming (BP batch.sfx 14464 03-13-91 Create batch files on CPowerC 128. (CC bincmp.c 3833 03-27-90 Binary file comparison (BP bindump.c 911 03-27-90 Output to printer in binary format (BP cassm.arc 32512 03-27-90 Excellent assembler for C Power C (BP ccaldr.seq 6144 06-19-91 CPower source for mpnthly calendar printing cdi.c 5483 03-27-90 Character-based file comparison (BP cdt128.arc 23552 06-19-91 A debugging tool for CPowerC128. CC cdtc64.seq 2048 06-19-91 SEQ text file that describes how to modify CDT128 (CDT128.ARC) to work with CPower 64. change.c 4409 03-26-90 Denomination breakdown of money change (BP cmaster.arc 16510 03-26-90 C64 terminal program with Xmodem for the shell (BP cnotes.seq 2176 06-19-91 Some hints and tips for CPowerC. CC colours.seq 2048 06-19-91 A simple little CPowerC 128 program to toggle through the C128 80 column screen and character colours. (CC cp-bulln.arc 15360 03-26-90 C Power C information bulletins (BP cp-msgs1.arc 38144 03-26-90 Collection of C Power BBS messages part 1 (BP cp-msgs2.arc 35584 03-26-90 Collection of C Power BBS messages part 2 (BP cp.arc 4352 03-26-90 C64 1 or 2 drive fast file copy for the shell cpmsd.arc 9472 03-27-90 Translate C source to/from c-power&ms-dos (BP cpow1351.sda 5504 02-10-93 This is a C-Power 1351 Mouse Driver that works on the Commodore C64 Only. Also works with both buttons on mouse. cpowerc.doc 20867 09-21-92 CPowerC functions descriptions cpwrdocs.arc 10496 03-26-90 Documents describing how to use C Power C (BP cpy.arc 5588 03-26-90 C64 1 or 2 drive file copier in C (BP crc32.sfx 7040 07-11-93 Calculates a 32-bit CRC on files. Written by Craig Bruce. Includes Buddy and standard C source code. C64/128 (AB cref.arc 7366 03-26-90 C source code cross-reference utility (BP ctut1.arc 35814 07-11-93 Part 1 of 2. A C language tutorial written by P.J. Ponzo of Waterloo University. A C64/128 archive. (AB ctut2.arc 43688 07-11-93 Part 2 of 2 (AB ctutor1.arc 35814 03-26-90 Part one of C language programming tutor. (BP ctutor2.arc 43688 03-26-90 Part two of C language programming tutorial cweep.c 4504 03-27-90 Prompted mass file deletion (BP cwind.arc 36864 06-19-91 C-Windows v1.11 for CPower 64. 40/64/80 columns + windows on a C64. Includes LIBrary demo with source and LINKable OBJect files. data_def.h 2736 03-27-90 Idea for data base memory allocation (BP director.arc 5120 05-12-91 A directory function patch for CPowerC 128.CC dirpc.seq 2048 06-19-91 PowerC source for a shell utility that allows DOS-like pattern searches. Supports the 1541, 1571 & 1581 drives. A C128 program, but should work on the C64 also. dynalloc.c 2921 03-26-90 Runtime struct-type memory allocation (BP eds.arc 5120 06-19-91 CPower64 source for a demonstration of a string editing function. (CC exec.arc 19558 03-27-90 C64 command-line auto-execute utility (BP expdir.sda 19456 02-25-91 A CPowerC program that allows the viewing of a disk directory with information such as directory T&S, program T&S, load address, and DELeted files. (CC fgetln.seq 1024 06-19-91 PowerC implementation of the standard C function 'fgetline' which gets a line of data from a file. (CC fgrep.arc 3048 03-27-90 Finds strings in text (SEQ) files (BP fgrepsrc.arc 3072 03-28-92 Source code to a CPower GREG routine. (CC floatbug.seq 2048 03-28-92 CPower 128 bug fix for floating point. (CC fractal.c 3695 03-27-90 Generates simple fractal figure (BP getkey.arc 1270 03-27-90 C64 kybd input with/out echo and wait (BP getuns.arc 5588 03-27-90 C64 get only unsigned no's from keyboard (BP globcp.arc 23876 03-26-90 C64 wildcard utility and twincopy.sh (BP grafpak.arc 21844 03-27-90 C64 graphics routines for C Power C (BP grafprgs.arc 24130 03-27-90 C64 graphics programs and routines (BP graph.sfx 7168 06-19-91 A 640 X 200 HIRES graphic package for CPowerC 128. 80 column screen required. (CC graphdem.arc 19558 03-27-90 C64 demos of GRAPHLIB (BP graphlib.arc 32258 03-27-90 C64 graphics library for C Power C (BP inkey.arc 512 03-26-90 C64 non-waiting keyboard input (BP kernalh.seq 3072 06-19-91 Header file that defines the Kernal entry points for the C64. Can be used with UNASSM. libupdat.arc 4096 03-26-90 C64 fread(),fwrite(),c1102.obj library update linkfrmt.seq 7168 06-08-91 Describes the format of CPower's relocatable object files (.O or .OBJ). (CC list.c 4489 03-27-90 Output C source to ASCII printer (BP lister.seq 3072 06-19-91 SuperC source for a file lister program. (CC lp.arc 2794 03-27-90 Output C source to ASCII printer (BP mem-map.128 10483 03-29-90 C128 memory map of C Power C environment moreya.sda 28672 06-19-91 More files for Adrian Pepper's Music Interpreter (YAMI.SDA) (CC peekpoke.asm 4096 03-28-92 CPower 128 bug fix for the PEEK/POKE routines. (CC prnt1525.c 2398 03-27-90 Output C source to 1525 printer (BP prnt801.c 872 03-27-90 Output C source to MPS801 printer (BP psych.arc 3302 03-27-90 Psych 'doctor' responds to questions (BP ra.arc 28702 03-27-90 C64 Reverse assembles lib object modules (BP random.seq 1024 06-19-91 CPower 64 function that will compute a random number between a given range. RAND (lo,hi) where lo is the low end of the range and hi is the high end. (CC reu128.arc 3072 03-28-92 CPower 128 REU routines. (CC reutools.sda 10240 04-21-91 A collection of useful files for use with Abacus Super-C 64 and your REU. Includes a new, improved RAMDOS installation program, C source for REU access functions like the 128s FETCH, STASH, and SWAP. (BP rgets.c 2036 03-27-90 Relative file access functions (BP rs232.arc 17408 02-07-92 RS232 routines for CPowerC C128. scf128.arc 8192 03-28-92 CPower 128 bug fix for the SCANF functions(CC sed.c 11211 03-26-90 C source for 1541 disk sector editor (BP seqtou.seq 2048 06-19-91 SuperC source code of a program that converts SEQ files to USR format which is compatable with the SUPER C Editor. (CC setcmd.sfx 5120 09-10-93 C Power C source code and comments for using CMD partions with C Power. Load and run to dissolve. (CC shellram.arc 32004 03-27-90 C64 source for 1764-compatible shell (BP siddemo.c 7463 03-29-90 C64 demo on accessing the SID chip sysaxyc.arc 1524 03-27-90 C64 rewritten sys() allows setting carry flag time.arc 3072 06-08-91 CPower128 program that sets up the TOD clock in CIS#2. Source and executable. (CC tod.arc 2304 03-26-90 C64 function gives acess to 6526 tod clock(BP violin.sfx 8192 06-19-91 SuperC code for a violin training program.(CC vitals.arc 7168 06-08-91 Calculates some statistics on files such as CRC, sum, size and line count. CPowerC 64 & 128. (CC yami.sda 31744 06-19-91 A music interpreter for CPowerC 64. Written by Adrian Pepper. See file: MOREYA.SDA (CC