Creative Micro Designs adddrive.prg 7168 01-01-92 HD ADD SCSI DRIVE V2.00 works on BOTH the C64 and C128. Used for adding on SCSI drives to an existing HD system. NEW: You may now REMOVE a drive from the HD system. cmdprog.sfx 11264 02-21-93 text file on programming for the CMD series of hard drives. Mostly concentrates on how to make your programs compatible with the drives, even if you don't have a hard drive to check the programs on. dskcrk.sfx 9216 09-30-91 A modified version of a disk editor written by Mike J. Henry to support partitions on CMD's hard drives. Modified by CMD Works on the 1541 and 1571. (CC find2.prg 1024 01-01-92 C64/128 40/80 column. Search the root directory of ALL partitions for files that match the user's input. Works on all CMD devices. (CC fixblock.prg 11264 01-01-92 HD FIX BLOCKS V2.00 for BOTH the C64 and C128. Locates and repairs media defects on the CMD HD. NEW: You may now select the SYSTEM partition. Performs the media validation on the entire drive. (CC gwdevpak.sda 14336 01-01-92 5 files for programming Gateway documents. Includes sybol file, Gateway font, and source for the ScrapPeek program which is included with Gateway. Requires Gateway and geoProgrammer. (CC hddirsrt.prg 3072 01-01-92 Alphabetically sorts any type of directory on the CMD HD including Native Mode subdirectories. 100% BASIC. (CC hdtree.prg 4864 01-16-92 HD TREE 128 V1.42 is twice as fast as V1.4 for the C128. Prints or displays a partition directory, subdirectory, ans subpartition. CMD HD only. llformat.prg 6144 01-01-92 LLFORMAT V2.00 for BOTH the C64 and C128. This version doesn't require a valid HD system configureation block in the system area. A low-level formatter for SCSI hard drives that are attached to a CMD HD. (CC parti.arc 12288 07-08-91 An enhancement of the partition info program that comes with the CMD HD. It allows you to sort the partitions by starting block, size, #, name and type. (CC polldevs.prg 1024 01-01-92 A BASIC program that will tell you what drives are attached to your system. Supports: 1541/71/81, CMD HDs, RamLink & PPI RAMDrive. Doesn't work properly if you have a Super Graphix Gold printer interface attached. qckmv128.prg 8192 01-01-92 Quickmove 128 V1.4 copies files from one partition to another on the CMD HD with Geos 128 V2.0. qckmv64.prg 8192 01-01-92 Quickmove 64 V1.4 copies files from one partition to another on the CMD HD with Geos 64 V2.0. rd-rdged.sfx 11264 02-10-92 PETSCII documentation to RL-RDGEO.SFX which allows RAMLink and RAMDrive users to use the standard Geos 64/128 2.0. readdir.prg 1024 01-01-92 BASIC program that demonstrates how to display a directory from within another program. Allows you to select the device number, drive/partition, and a pattern match. Also views the time and date stamps on CBM HD harddrives. rl-rdgeo.sfx 43136 02-10-92 Allows RAMLink and RAMDrive users to use the standard Geos 64 2.0 or Geos 128 2.0. Depending on the amount of RAM you have, it supports the RAM 1541, RAM 1571, and RAM 1581. Compatable with applications which require an REU! Docs in geoWrite format are included.