C128 - Graphics ARCed files (.ARC) can be uncompacted using ARC250.SDA (DIR 7), or CS-DOS 128demo.prg 5120 05-01-91 C C128 BASIC demo with music and sprites. CC 16kvs64k.arc 4096 07-29-91 BASIC 8 short demo that illustrates some of the advantages of having a 64K VDC. From the authors of ANTE UP. (CC 3canim.prg 8192 07-29-91 64K BASIC 8 animation. (CC 3d-d-dem.prg 5120 07-29-91 A BASIC 8 demo of the @stash and @fetch routines. Plots a wire frame letter "D" and rotates it on the x & y acis. 16K VDC. (CC 3d1902.prg 12288 07-29-91 A 3-D IPaint picture that requires 3D glasses, like you get when you see a 3D movie. Colours are set for the 1902 monitor. 3d2002.prg 12288 07-29-91 A 3-D IPaint picture that requires 3D glasses, like you get when you see a 3D movie. Colours are set for the 2002 monitor. 3ddemo.prg 1024 07-29-91 A short BASIC 8 program that shows how to rotate a box on the y-axis. (CC 3ddemo2.prg 5120 05-11-92 A 16K VDC Basic 8 demo of a 3-D letter 'D' rotating. Requires 3-D glasses. (CC abigbird.prg 14336 12-06-90 Rename to PICT.ABIGBORD. A 64K MasterPaint picture of a bird. (CC amy.prg 19456 08-02-92 64K VDC Basic 8 picture of Amy squirrel. anidroid.arc 10240 12-06-90 A 64K Basic 8 animated droid. (CC asciiart.sfx 12288 08-02-92 Two ASCII files containing ASCII art. These should be displayed with a view such as Dialogue's or Desterms so that the pound sybol is shown as a slash, and the left arrow as an underscore. b8dem2.sda 56320 07-29-91 Demonstrates some of the power and versatility of the animation, 3d perspective commands, and drawing capabilities of BASIC 8 when used with a 64K VDC. (CC billcat.prg 14336 09-30-91 IPaint picture of BILL the CAT. Rename to IP.BILL CAT (CC biplane.prg 10240 12-06-90 Rename to PICT.BIPLANE. A 64K Basic 8 picture of a biplane converted from GIF. (CC blkbeaut.sda 17408 12-24-89 Black beauty horse for MEGACOL.SDA (CC boing80.sda 50176 02-02-90 An eighty column version for the C128 of the Amiga's famous BOING, the bouncing ball. (CC capistra.prg 18432 12-06-90 Rename to PICT.CAPISTRANO. A 64K Basic 8 picture of the Spanish mission at San Jaun Caristrano. Converted from MasterPaint. (CC cat-scan.prg 18432 12-06-90 Rename to PICT.CAT SCAN. A 64K Basic 8 picture by Louis Scarborough Jr. Done with the Handyscanner. (CC cellular.prg 3072 06-13-92 A kaleidoscopic pattern in 80 columns. Slow but nice and colourfull. (CC cityme.gif 13312 09-30-91 The city skyline of Melbournce, Victoria, Australia in GIF format. 320 x 200 x 256. domnerd.prg 15360 10-13-91 PICT.GEO DOMNERD is a 64K VDC BASIC 8 picture of the famous Domino Nerd. (CC door2pst.arc 7168 06-22-91 An eighty column text demo with music. CC emperor.prg 11264 05-11-92 Basic 8 64K VDC picture of the Saltwater fish called the "Emperor Angel Fish" in 8x2 colour. (CC frank3d.sfx 29696 05-11-92 An IPaint 64K VDC picture of Frank Hudson. Requires 3-D glasses (cheap, red, blue lenses). (CC gamedemo.sda 38912 07-29-91 A BASIC 8 demo of animation techniques from a game idea. Lasts around 7 minutes. (CC gemstone.arc 7168 07-29-91 A BASIC 8 program showing 3 large objects being rotated at once. (CC geoplan.prg 7168 10-13-91 PICT.GEO PLANETS is a 64K VDC BASIC 8 picture if the planets. (CC grumpy5.prg 9216 12-06-90 Rename to PICT.GRUMPY5. A 64K Basic 8 picture of the owner of the Starving Artist Cafe. (CC grumpy6.prg 9216 12-06-90 Rename to PICT.GRUMPY6. A 64K Basic 8 picture of Igor done with the Handyscanner64. ipaintd.prg 56320 02-05-90 A demonstration of the new program soon to be released IPAINT which is a great proram that requires 64K VDC, and lets you draw 640 X 400 graphics on screen in colour! Needs file IPAINTD2.PRG (CC ipaintd2.prg 22656 02-05-90 Part of IPAINTD.PRG. Rename to: VOYAGERMINDTOOLS (no spaces). ipgorill.prg 24576 10-14-90 IP.GORILLA is an IPaint picture of a gorilla. ipnebula.prg 9216 10-14-90 IP.NEBULA is a picture of an immense Nubula, in deep space. (CC ipnewtek.prg 18432 10-14-90 IP.NEWTEK is a greyscale of the Newtek 'Demoreel1'. (CC ipraytrc.prg 17536 10-14-90 IP.RAYTRACE-1 is an IPaint picture converted from the Atari Mega ST. 640X400 monochrome pic. (CC ip_bugs.prg 19456 05-30-90 Rename to IP.FEATURES. View with IVS.PRG. A colour picture of Bugs Bunny. Great picture!!! (CC ip_city.prg 24576 05-30-90 Rename to IP.CITY. View with IVS.PRG. A colour picture of a city with the address that IPAINT can be ordered from. (CC ip_feat.prg 16384 05-30-90 Rename to IP.FEATURES. View with IVS.PRG. This file contains the features that come with IPAINT. IPaint is a new eighty column drawing program that uses interlace mode to achieve 640 X 400 graphics!!! (CC ip_simps.prg 18432 05-30-90 Rename to IP.SIMPSONS. View with IVS.PRG. A colour picture of the Simpsons sitting on a couch, watching TV. Another GREAT picture! 640 X 400 in COLOUR! (CC jes-rab.prg 8192 10-13-91 PICT.JES-RABBIT is a 64K VDC BASIC 8 picture of Jessica Rabbit. (CC jugglerd.sda 19456 12-24-89 A MEGACOLOUR picture of the famous JUGGLER from the AMiga demo. (CC krueger.prg 10240 12-06-90 Rename to PICT.KRUEGER. A 64K Basic 8 dicture converted from geoPaint, and colourized. (CC lacetrek.prg 8192 02-05-90 Rename to LACE.PICARD. A Star Trek picture. mickey.128 1024 08-22-88 Graphic of Mickey Mouse. mp-title.prg 14336 12-06-90 Rename to PICT.MP TITLE. A 64K Basic 8 file of the title screen to MasterPaint. Shows the features of the famous paint program. (CC mug128.prg 5120 05-01-91 A forty column music and graphics demo. (CC nichole.prg 16384 09-18-91 A 640 X 400 64K VDC BASIC 8 picture of a sexy woman. (CC ninja 512 08-22-88 Ninja model in basic 7.0 pborg.prg 9216 05-11-92 Basic 8 64K VDC picture of the BORG ship over earth through the main viewer on the Enterprise. (CC pctskull.prg 8192 10-14-90 PICT.SKULL is a BASIC 8 picture of a skull. peacock.prg 2048 07-29-91 A BASIC 8 64K VDC multi colour movie. Load and RUN under B8. (CC porsche.sda 24704 12-24-89 A MEGACOLOUR picture of a Porsche. (CC rapport.prg 12288 05-11-92 Basic 8 64K VDC. Loveley symbol of the eternal bonds of love. (CC reflec.pic 13312 03-02-90 BASIC 8.0 80 column graphic of a forest scene with reflections in a pond. Very nice. Requires 64K VDC RAM and BASIC Paint (that comes with the BASIC 8.0 package). (SB rtrace.arc 13312 02-04-90 A Ray Trace animation program for BASIC 8. sharktfh.prg 9216 12-06-90 Rename to PICT.SHARK TFH. A 64K coloured Basic 8 version of the cover page for on of the Final Horizon newsletters. Digitized with Handyscanner64, and colourized with MasterPaint. (CC snow.prg 27648 08-02-92 64K VDC Basic 8 picture of Jeff Woods Snowbuni. space1.prg 17408 11-07-89 An animation program that requires a C128 and a 1750 REU. Uses the 40 column screen and shows a spaceship shooting at a planet, and then turning back around. (CC space2.prg 23552 11-07-89 An improved rersion of SPACE1.PRG (CC sprngmd.prg 18432 05-11-92 Basic 8 64K VDC picture of wildflowers, blue sky, green grass, and two horses (GREAT!!). starr1.sda 39936 07-29-91 REU animation of a star rotating inside two rotating circles. Appears to have been designed using the C128s built in graphic commands, and then saved to disk for stashing in the REU to create an animation. FILE NEEDED: STARR2.SDA (CC starr2.sda 29696 07-29-91 See file STARR1.SDA for a description. FILE NEEDED: STARR1.SDA (CC startrkm.seq 36864 06-22-91 Star Trek Movie to be viewed with MOVIEV2.SFX. A text movie. CC turms.prg 3072 03-18-91 A short BASIC 7.0 file that dispayings patterns on the 40 column multicolour screen. tweety.prg 9216 12-06-90 Rename to PICT.TWEETY. A 64K Basic 8 picture of Tweety, and Sylvester the cat. Converted from GIF. (CC ultraalp.prg 10240 02-05-90 ULTRA ALPHABET is a ULTRA HIGH RES program that displays each letter of the alphabet like 'B is for BOX', and draws a BOX. waterfal.sda 21504 01-05-90 A picture of a waterfall for DDMEGACOLOR. wiley.prg 16384 09-30-91 Wile E. Coyote, the 'genius' in Ipaint format. USE IVS.PRG to view it. (CC wings.pic 12288 03-02-90 BASIC 8 80 column graphic requires 64K VDC RAM and BASIC Paint. (SB wolfin.pic 9216 03-02-90 BASIC 8 80 column graphic requires 64K VDC RAM to view, and BASICPaint. Rename this file to "PICT.WOLFIN/PIX". (SB